
'And we're live in 3...2...1!' Events are a main staple of the college experience and the cultural fabric of a university, bringing people together with common interests from different walks of life. Whether your event is offered for students, alumni, staff and faculty, community members, or other constituents, it is important to make it as easy as possible to discover, sign up, and attend the exciting gathering.

If you are looking to add or edit events that originate from The Hub or Arts & Events calendar systems, this content can be updated through the Control Panel, a separate tool that is hosted outside of Modern Campus CMS. You will need access to this tool in order to make updates.

How to Update The Hub

The Hub disseminates events to students, many of which are focused on career success, culture, health and wellness, recreation, and more. (For major events that serve the larger campus and local community, see the information below on How to Update the Arts & Events Calendar.)

1. Access the Control Panel

If your role requires you to regularly update events on the website, please Contact Us to request login access the Control Panel.

2. Go to The Hub Menu

Once you are able to login to the Control Panel, click The Hub menu on the left side of the screen. From here, click one of the four submenu items:

  • Choose the Events submenu to see a list of upcoming and pending events or add a new event.
  • Choose the Categories submenu to browse existing classifications by which events are categorized.
  • Choose the Series submenu to see the existing groupings of events that are organized by series.
  • Choose the Digital Signage submenu to see events that are viewable on monitors across campus.

In most instances, you will choose the Events submenu, which gives you access to edit or add an event. 

3. Add or Find an Event

From the Manage Events page, you can click an existing event to edit its information or click or click the Add an Event button to create an event, as seen in the image below.

Manage Events

4. Edit an Event

On the Edit an Event page, complete the fields for Status, Title, Summary, Full Description, Date and Time, Event Categories, Event Image (optional), Event Image, Event Location, Digital Signage, and Contact Information, as seen in the example below.

Edit an Event

  PRO TIP: When capitalizing and punctuating the Title of an event, follow the AP Stylebook to ensure that your event aligns with the university's Voice. Use the Title Case Converter tool for quick guidance!

5. Update the Event

When you are finished completing all of the fields, click the  button. The event information will be instantly updated on the website for any areas powered by The Hub.

How to Update the Arts & Events Calendar

The Arts & Events calendar disseminates major events to the larger campus and local community, many of which are focused on art exhibits, conferences, faith, and lectures. (For events that serve student life activities, see above for the information on How to Update The Hub.)

1. Access the Control Panel

If your role requires you to regularly update events on the website, please Contact Us to request login access the Control Panel.

2. Go to the Calendar Menu

Once you are able to login to the Control Panel, click the Calendar menu on the left side of the screen and choose the Search Events submenu. 

3. Add or Find an Event

On the Calendar Search page, click an existing event to edit its information or click the Add New Event button to create an event, as seen in the image below.

Calendar Search

4. Edit the Event Information 

On the Edit / Delete Event page, complete the fields for Event Title, Subtitle, Date Type, Date & Time, All Day Event?, Location, Event Summary, Event Description, Categories, Image, Sponsored By, RSVP Deadline, RSVP Web Page, Contact Name, Contact Email, Contact Phone, Website, and Display Information, as seen in the example below.

Edit / Delete Event

5. Update the Event

When you are finished completing all of the fields, click the Add button or Update button. The event information will be instantly updated on the website for any areas powered by the Arts & Events calendar.

Other Event Calendars

In addition to The Hub and Arts & Events calendars, the university offers calendaring systems for other types of dates and observances. 

Please contact the departments linked below for more information:

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