Image Galleries

In certain instances, you may find that an interactive collection of images will help you tell your story online, thereby leading you to utilize an image gallery instead of just one or two standalone Images. Image galleries come in multiple layouts, giving you the ability to choose the option that works best for your page layout.

 Instructional Video

Watch this 4-minute tutorial for an initial overview of image galleries, or scroll below to see complete written instructions.

*Note: Click Full screen  icon for best view.

How to Create an Image Gallery

1. Build a New Image Gallery Asset

To start an image gallery, click the Content menu at the top of the screen and choose the Assets option. On the Assets page, click the New button and choose the Image Gallery option. 

2. Configure the New Image Gallery Asset

On the New Image Gallery Asset page, complete the field sections for Asset Info and Access Settings. Who may edit an image gallery is set by the Access Group field, while who may use an image gallery is set by the Available To field, as seen in the example below.  (Note that these fields are set by default to "Everyone" at the time of creation, but they can be edited later by visiting the Properties tab for the image gallery.)

New Image Gallery Asset Page

Still on the New Image Gallery Asset page, scroll down to complete the field section for Gallery Options. When you are finished completing the fields on the New Image Gallery Asset page, click the  button, as seen in the example below.

  EXTRA INSIGHT: By default, the Maximum Thumbnail Size is set to 100 pixels x 100 pixels. If you would like to have sharper thumbnail images, edit this setting to be 400 pixels x 400 pixels.

3. Upload Images

In the new field section for Images that has been created, click the  button to add image files to the image gallery (note that vertical images will be cropped), as seen in the example below.

New Image Gallery Upload

4. Enter Metadata

As you upload image files, they will display on the screen in a small window. To add information about each image, enter the Title, Description, Caption, and Link (optional), as seen in the example below.

5. Save and Publish

When you are finished entering information about each image, click the SAVE button and PUBLISH button to update the image gallery with your images.

How to Insert an Image Gallery Into a Page

1. Insert Asset

Once you have created an image gallery, you are ready to insert it into your page. While you are Editing a Page, place your cursor where you want the image gallery to be located and click the Insert Asset  tool.

In the Select Asset window, enter the name of your image gallery in the Filter by name search box and click the entry for your asset in the search results. Then, click the Insert button to insert the image gallery into your page, as seen in the example below. 

2. Save and Publish

To update the website with your edits, click the SAVE button and PUBLISH button (or if you prefer to change the Gallery Type first, see the below information before publishing).

How to Change the Gallery Type

1. Go to Page Properties

After an image gallery is inserted into your page and the SAVE button has been clicked, click the  tab at the top of the screen. 

2. Choose a Gallery Type

Scroll to the Image Gallery field and click the Gallery Type drop-down menu to choose the Thumbnail Lightbox or Slideshow option, as seen in the example below.

Here is an example layout of the Thumbnail Lightbox gallery type (clicking an image opens it in a lightbox):

Thumbnail Lightbox

Here is an example layout of the Slideshow gallery type (clicking an arrow moves it forward or backward):

   PRO TIP: Choose Thumbnail Lightbox if you need to display all of the images together in the default page view. Choose Slideshow to create the most immersive user experience for your audience.  

3. Save and Publish

To update the website with your edits, click the SAVE button and PUBLISH button.

How to Edit an Image Gallery

1. Search for the Image Gallery

If you would like to add, delete, or update the images in an existing image gallery, first locate the Image Gallery by clicking the Content menu at the top of the screen. Choose Assets and search for the name of the image gallery you are looking to edit. Then, click on the image gallery to open it.

2. Click the Lightbulb Icon

To make changes to an image gallery, click the LightbulbCheck Out icon. After clicking, the Lightbulb Check Inicon will turn yellow to indicate that the image gallery is now "checked out" to you for editing. 

3. Make Changes to Images

Click the tab to access the main content within the image gallery. Within the Gallery Options section or Images section, make changes to images as needed. If needed, refer to the steps for managing images in the How to Create an Image Gallery instructions above in this article.

4. Save and Publish

To update the website with your edits, click the SAVE button and PUBLISH button. All pages that the Image Gallery are on will be automatically updated.

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