Public Profiles

If your section of the website includes faculty (adjunct or full-time) or staff profiles, this content can be updated through the MyCLU portal and the Control Panel, separate tools that are hosted outside of Modern Campus CMS. Depending on your role, you will use one of these two tools to make updates.

How to Edit Your Public Profile

If you are a faculty (adjunct or full-time) or staff member seeking to edit your existing public profile, the easiest way to work on your profile is through the MyCLU portal. 

  1. In MyCLU, click your photo or user icon in the upper right menu and choose Public Profile
  2. Complete all fields and click Save Changes.

Your profile information will be instantly updated on the website wherever it is displayed.

  PRO TIP: Want the profile to look complete on your department's section of the website? Fill out each of the following fields: Photo, Summary of Expertise, Bio (share the details!), and Terminal Degree Institution. To update your Title, please contact Academic Affairs.

For Authorized Staff: How to Create or Edit a Public Profile

If you are a staff member whose job duties are to manage public profiles on behalf of faculty members, Contact Us to request access to the Control Panel. (Please note that student employees are not permitted to manage public profiles — see User Levels for details).

Then, follow the below steps.

1. Go to the Profiles Menu in the Control Panel

Once you are able to login to the Control Panel, click on the Profiles menu on the left side of the screen. Choose the Add Profile submenu if you want to create a new profile, or choose the Search Profiles submenu if you want to edit an existing profile. 

2. Edit the Profile

Complete all of the required fields in the profile (as well as any optional fields), as indicated by the red asterisk.

3. Update the Profile

When you are finished completing fields in the profile, click the Add Profile button or Update Profile button. The profile information will be instantly updated on the website.

For Authorized Staff: How to Edit the List of Department Faculty

Are you looking to add or remove a faculty member from the list of public profiles on your department website? You can make this change directly if you have access in the Control Panel.

Depending on the nature of the change you are looking to make, use one of the following steps:

  • If a faculty member has left the university: On the left side of the Control Panel, go to the Profiles menu and click Search Profiles. Search for the faculty member's profile by name and click the link for their profile. While editing the profile, set the Active? field to No and click the Update Profile button.
  • If a faculty member is still with the university but needs to be deactivated on the department website: On the left side of the Control Panel, go to the Department Faculty menu and click Search Departments. Click the link for your department. Untick the checkbox next to their name and click the Update Department button.
  • If a faculty member has been with the university but needs to be reactivated on the department website: On the left side of the Control Panel, go to the Department Faculty menu and click Search Departments. Click the link for your department. Tick the checkbox next to their name and click the Update Department button.
  • If a faculty member needs to be added/removed as the chair of the department: On the left side of the Control Panel, go to the Department Faculty menu and click Search Departments. Click the link for your department. Select the dropdown menu for Department Chair and change it to the faculty member who is now serving as chair of the department. Then, click the Update Department button.

If you do not have access in the Control Panel or need assistance with any of these steps, Contact Us with the name of the faculty member and the change requested.

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