Updated Articles

  1.  Section Footers

    Procedure to edit the bottom footer for each section of the website, typically involving department contact information.
  2. Sections

    Steps to create a new section of pages on the website, typically for a department or unit.
  3. Miscellaneous Notes

    Notation on miscellaneous page enhancements.
  4. Directory Variables

    Overview of variables to modify how files within a specific folder behave.
  5. Additional Snippets

    Information on additional snippets available through custom HTML, to supplement the snippets in the editing interface.
  6. Additional Assets

    Definitions of assets available through custom HTML, to supplement the assets in the editing interface.
  7. Designing a Page

    Key strategies of modern web design, as applied to university webpage standards.
  8. Page Titles

    Instructions to update the three versions of a webpage title, including tips for Search Engine Optimization.
  9.  Styles

    Definitions of style for text, images, and hyperlinks.