Popular Articles

  1. Public Profiles

    Tips to add, remove, or update faculty member profiles via MyCLU and Control Panel.
  2.  Web Editor Training

    Initial onboarding steps to complete for new Web Editors in Omni CMS.
  3. Section Sidebars

    How to turn on and utilize the supplementary sidebar menu which adds upon the navigation menu.
  4. Navigation

    Tips to update the navigation menu on the right side of the screen for each section of the website.
  5.  Editing a Page

    Instructions to edit, save, and publish a webpage.
  6. Content Writing

    Fundamental principles for writing content that is optimized for web consumption.
  7.  Hyperlinks

    How to insert a hyperlink into a text or image and customize settings.
  8. User Levels

    Designations of each permission level for user accounts in Omni CMS.
  9. Additional Styles

    Description of various styles available through custom HTML, to supplement the styles in the editing interface.
  10.  Documents

    Information to upload, link, and update a document in PDF format or other common formats.