New Articles

  1. Editing a Page

    Instructions to edit, save, and publish a webpage.
  2. Public Profiles

    Tips to add, remove, or update faculty member profiles via MyCLU and Control Panel.
  3. Styles

    Definitions of style for text, images, and hyperlinks.
  4. Page Titles

    Instructions to update the three versions of a webpage title, including tips for Search Engine Optimization.
  5. Events

    Directions to add or edit events on The Hub or Arts & Events calendars, using the Control Panel.
  6. Scheduling a Publish

    Information on scheduling a page to be published at a future date and time.
  7. Announcements

    Steps to add or edit news articles using the Control Panel.
  8. Section Footers

    Procedure to edit the bottom footer for each section of the website, typically involving department contact information.
  9. Directory Variables

    Overview of variables to modify how files within a specific folder behave.
  10. Section Properties

    Description of settings that control the entire section of pages for your department or unit.